Thomas Beattie, Founder & President and U.S. Army Veteran
In the Army while communicating, especially over radio, we were trained to use the phonetic alphabet to avoid confusion during combat.
You may have used it yourself when you needed to spell your name on the phone: "John Smith... Juliet Oscar Hotel November."​

​So what exactly is “Charlie Mike?” In the Army, it is the call and order to CONTINUE MISSION.
And that’s exactly what we plan to do at Charlie Mike Manufacturing. Give Veterans a place to learn a trade and be a part of something bigger than themselves and to continue on a new MISSION:
Bring manufacturing back to America.

CMMFG will leverage the raw talent and commitment the Veteran community brings to the table with leadership, opportunity and purpose. We will give them the environment and the skillset to take ownership and drive your mission forward.
Our ultimate goal is to help ease the transition for our Veterans back into the civilian workforce while filling the trade skill shortage that is a challenge for not only, Western Pennsylvania businesses, but for businesses across the country.

***Pre-pandemic, in 2019 the Dept of Labor reported 7.6 million UNFILLED trade careers in the US.***
For more information contact our team at Charlie Mike Manufacturing.